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Posts in gamification
Revolutionizing Language Learning: Gamification in Engaging and Diversifying the User Experience

Gamification as a solution - A story of a diverse digital product designer Have you ever wondered how Duolingo has transformed language learning behaviors and enriched countless lives? It's a revolutionary app with more users than there are public school students in the U.S. What's the key to Duolingo's widespread success? The answer is straightforward - It's a gamified learning experience, crafted by a dedicated team of creative minds.

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Can Gamification Turn the Tide Against Declining Enrollment?

With U.S. colleges and universities battling enrollment declines, many student affairs officials are turning to gamification platforms to meet students where they are and keep up with the evolving expectations of new generations regarding classroom engagement, credential opportunities and other aspects of campus life.

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Gamification is broken

As game designer Adrian Hon argues in his entertaining book "You've Been Played", the key difference between Mary Poppins and many gamification applications, is that Poppins was interested in improving the lives of her charges, while most of the companies behind gamification apps are emphatically not interested in the wellbeing of their users.

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