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Posts tagged Video games
Kids who play video games score higher on brain function tests

Kids who play video games have better memory and better control over their motor skills than kids who don't, according to a new study looking at adolescent brain function. Video games might not be responsible for those differences - the study can't say what the causes are - but the findings add to a bigger body of work showing gamers have better performance on some tests of brain function.

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Three hours of video games a day may actually help a child’s cognitive skills, study finds

A new study has however found that hours of computer gaming could in fact improve some cognitive skills, such as those involving impulse control and working memory. The study involved nearly 2,000 children, and those who reported playing video games for three hours a day performed better in cognitive skills tests than those who had never played games.

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Tabletop RPGs as Environmental Text

While scholarly analysis of TTRPGs often focuses on player's experiences of role playing as human-like agents, scholars of TTRPGs recognize that role-playing games simulate "Worlds" or "Places"7 - or, alternately, though TTRPG scholars rarely use this language, "Nature" or "Environments." Tabletop RPGs may not be "Virtual" worlds in the sense of a highly-realistic, highly visual, high-polygon representation of the natural world.

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What Do Video Gamers Think About Global Warming?

About three in four video gamers think global warming is happening, and the majority of video gamers understand that global warming is mostly human-caused. Most video gamers think global warming will harm plant and animal species, future generations of people, people in developing countries, the world's poor, people in the U.S., people in their community, their family, and themselves personally.

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Can Commercial Video Games Become Educational Tools?

Despite their reputation, the increasing use of electronics in classrooms and the growing acceptance of video games have prompted educators to consider using video games as a teaching tool. Neither of these titles was designed with educational use in mind, but their presence in school curriculums suggests commercial video games may deliver lessons and engage students in ways that other teaching methods can't replicate.

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Playing Video Games Has an Unexpected Impact on Kids’ Intelligence, Study finds

Researchers have linked spending more time playing video games with a boost in intelligence in children, which goes some way to contradicting the narrative that gaming is bad for young minds. On average, the youngsters reported spending 2.5 hours a day watching TV or online videos, 1 hour playing video games, and half an hour socializing over the internet.

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Video Games as an Effective Learning Medium – Are we there yet?

Amidst all the bustling speculation surrounding the potential of the metaverse, along with COVID-19 restrictions, video games have skyrocketed in popularity. The term 'gamification' has become a hot topic in the education landscape as developers attempt to tackle how we ignite a similar level of engagement seen in normal video games, in learning.

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Playing Video Games Has an Unexpected Effect on Kids' IQ, Says New Study

Researchers have linked spending more time playing video games with a boost in intelligence in children, which goes some way to contradicting the narrative that gaming is bad for young minds. The researchers looked at screen time records for 9,855 kids in the ABCD Study, all in the US and aged 9 or 10.

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