
Gamification as a Form of Innovation in Learning

Gamification as a Form of Innovation in Learning

Gamification as a Form of Innovation in Learning

By Qodri Jamalulail, Ana Fitrotun Nisa, Yuyun Yulia, Mee Jay A. Domingo, and Bonifatius Sigit Yuniharto


“This study aims to examine the literature on gamification in concept and its application to learning in elementary school. This study uses a literature review method focusing on the concept of gamification to learning in elementary schools. The results show effective learning process that prioritizes the needs of students, whereas teacher as facilitator and catalyst must be able to create interesting learning media. Multimedia-based media is one of the media using technology that is able to provide a learning and playing climate through the concept of gamification which was developed based on edugames, which in turn provides a learning atmosphere, not only playing but there are meaningful learning outcomes after using the multimedia. This gamification in learning is very important to create learning motivation in students so that learning is more interesting and meaningful.”


Jamalulail, Q., Nisa, A., Yulia, Y., Domingo, M., &Yuniharto, B. (2022). Gamification as a form of innovation in learning. Retrieved October 5, 2022, from


Gamification, motivation, learning innovation,students, facilitator, research