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Posts tagged cognition
Can video games teach people to be more empathetic? Maybe.

Path Out is one of a growing number of video games designed to engender empathy in those who play them. "We are now starting to realize the power that games can have at evoking certain competencies such as empathy and compassion," said Matthew Farber, a professor of educational technology at the University of Northern Colorado and author of "Gaming SEL: Games as Transformational to Social and Emotional Learning."

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How Games and Gaming Benefit a Child's Development

The world of games and gaming has never been bigger or more popular than it is today. Games, both board games and video games, play a huge part in our lives, and particularly the lives of children. Historically, there’s been a lot of panic and disinformation around the impact of games and children, but more recent research shows the positive impact games can have on children.

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