
Design Gamification of Discovery-based Learning Models in Elementary School

Design Gamification of Discovery-based Learning Models in Elementary School

Design Gamification of Discovery-based Learning Models in Elementary School

Chusnul Muali1, Abd Hamid Wahid, Hambali, Faiz, Hasan Baharun, Zamroni, Zainal, Fatah, Moh. Masrur, Moh. Hafidul Ahkam, Dahlan Abdullah, Fajriana, Cut Ita Erliana


"The purpose of this study is to develop learning designs that are suitable for elementary school students. This design connects the theory of gamification with discovery learning into a new model. Furthermore, the model will be combined with appropriate learning media so that learning becomes more effective and interesting when applied in various types of courses. Data analysis shows the average score of learning design evaluations achieved in the excellent category. This indicates that the design of the development of learning gamification of discovery-based learning in the form of theory and practice has the value of effectiveness and interest of students, and it has shown significant results to be applied in learning in primary schools."


Chusnul, M., Abd Hamid, W., Faiz, F., Hasan, B., Zamroni, Z., Zainal, F., ... & Cut Ita, E. (2021). Design Gamification of Discovery-based Learning Models in Elementary School. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI), 12(4), 1645-1649.


Gamification, Learning Models, Elementary School