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This tabletop game teaches players about the juvenile justice system

This tabletop game teaches players about the juvenile justice system

This tabletop game teaches players about the juvenile justice system

By Diti Kohli

September 28, 2021

Originally Published Here


The game design process started with Semis, 23, during his correctional facility sentence in 2019.There, he laid down The Run Around's foundational elements in collaboration with iThrive, a nonprofit games foundation with roots in Newton.

On Saturday mornings, Rivers, educational consultant Janelle Ridley, and Lesley University associate professor Beverley Evans led the group in discussions about the failures of the justice system - and the trauma it caused them.

Rivers said the game is constructed without fun in mind.

Designers had to deconstruct a broken justice system, and players are charged with coming to terms with its senselessness.

Ahead of the Serious Games conference, creators field-tested the game on police officers and educators at the Lesley Institute for Trauma Sensitivity.

The game could be utilized for professional and school environments to facilitate conversation and encourage solution-focused discussion.

Three projects - including a social worker game modeled on Ridley and a Run Around version that can be won - remain unfinished.


Khan, M. (2021, September 28). Playful tertiary learning – a different path to follow. Retrieved November 16, 2021, from https://toysmatrix.com/playful-tertiary-learning-a-different-path-to-follow/