
Experience Points

Posts in game mechanics
Episode 107 AP Table Talk: Rondel

In this episode of AP Table Talk, hosts Brian and Dave Eng focus on rondel games, where players move along a circular track to take actions. Dave introduces "Patchwork" as a significant game he played early in his relationship. They discuss games like "Sabika," highlighting rondel mechanics and unique elements. They mention thematic considerations, player count dynamics, tie-breakers, and variations in game mechanics. Dave and Brian also touch on games with changing rondel layouts and explore twists in mechanics, such as action resolution prior to moving. They conclude by reflecting on the accessibility and strategic choices offered by rondel mechanics.

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Episode 92 AP Table Talk: Pick-up and Deliver

In this episode of AP Table Talk, Brian and Dave discuss pick-up and deliver games. They start by reminiscing about their experiences with such games, including their favorite titles like Bus and Flash Point: Fire Rescue. They also mention other notable games like Clank! and Earth Reborn. They share their likes and dislikes about the pick-up and deliver mechanic, highlighting the importance of clear objectives and significant gameplay. They discuss variations within the genre, such as hidden movement combined with pick-up and deliver mechanics. The episode concludes with a discussion on the efficiency of pick-up and deliver mechanics.

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Episode 87 AP Table Talk: Grid Coverage

In the first episode of AP Table Talk, a podcast that explores board games, Brian and Dave Eng discuss the Grid Coverage mechanic. They define the mechanic as players covering a grid or filling a space using various shapes such as polyominoes. Some of the games that they discuss which use this mechanic include Patchwork, Blokus, Copenhagen, Cultivate, Silver and Gold, and Tiny Towns. Brian and Dave also discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the mechanic, such as the strong core loop and the potential for it to be luck-dependent. They mention twists on the mechanic, such as enforced fill order and the extension of Grid Coverage upwards.

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Episode 66 Game Mechanics for Learning

On today’s episode we’ll cover how to use game mechanics for learning. Game mechanics are the rules and procedures that guide players through the game. These mechanics also provide the structure for how the game reacts to players’ actions. This definition is great for game designers and developers, but what about for educators, instructors, professors, and teachers? How do they use game mechanics for teaching and learning? How can students benefit from game mechanics through games-based learning?

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