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Leveraging gamification for security awareness training

Leveraging gamification for security awareness training

Leveraging gamification for security awareness training

Leveraging gamification for security awareness training

By Randy Richard 

January 29, 2021

Originally Published Here


Traditionally, employees do not enjoy corporate trainings, and this perception holds true when it comes to security awareness education.

After several hours of such training, it is important for security leaders to remember that employees will need time to recharge before continuing their regular duties.

To determine whether implementing gaming techniques for security awareness training at your organization makes sense, it is important to first understand what the ultimate goal of the security awareness course is.

Companies introduce such trainings to not only encourage their staff to study security rules, but to ensure that employees will gain skills and actually apply them.

What can training managers do with employees that have already mastered the security or cybersecurity training and skills that you want to impart on the organization? In this case, unique gamification techniques such as short, comic-like tests where employees makes bets for example, may persuade those employees to participate.

In general, employees are more enthusiastic with short assessments and training sessions.

Security leaders can use gamification training to help with buy-in from other business execs as well.

A training that allows C-level leadership to walk in the shoes of the Chief Security Officer or Chief Information Security Officer allows them to more clearly understand how cybersecurity may affect the business in critical areas such as profit losses.

If employees are able to overcome their training biases, the theoretical course is set on prepared ground and learning becomes more productive.

While the initial motivation to take such course can wane over time, adding gaming elements or simulations over time as reinforcement to the curriculum can be helpful as employees continue to go through the training process.


Richard, R. (2021, January 29). Leveraging gamification for security awareness training. Retrieved April 06, 2021, from https://www.securitymagazine.com/blogs/14-security-blog/post/94463-leveraging-gamification-for-security-awareness-training