
Posts tagged students
What is Grokking?

This article will review the origins of the word “grok” as well as its definitions and what it means. Grokking has been closely attributed to game play and game design; however there are connections to “grokking a game” and mastery learning. This connection will be reviewed in greater depth as well as how curriculum design, student experience, and instructor interaction influences mastery learning. Games-based learning practitioners will learn how to adapt the concept of “grokking” to mastery learning and how to implement feedback loops in mastery learning through games-based learning.

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What are interactive experiences?

This article will provide an overview of interactive experiences. Specifically addressing how they are created with users’ needs in mind. Interactive experiences benefit from the connection between users and the environment. But that connection is often nothing without control, agency, and decision making capacity. Costello’s Pleasure Framework is identified as a structure with which to build immersive and interactive environments that can be integrated into physical spaces. Finally, applications and examples of interactive experiences are provided.

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